So you want to do a bikini competition – Part 1 – Cost

Wanted to start a quick series about what’s involved in a bikini competition to help you get more clarity so you can decide if it’s the right time for you to jump into those heels and sparkly bikini.

Part 1 – We’ll go over what it’ll cost you to compete

Part 2 – What you should expect

Part 3 – What to expect on show day

First let’s go over one of the hidden sides of competition – how expensive it really is.  Granted this is my blog and my opinions, so some of what I share may not pertain to you – but for me- I did not realize how much everything was going to cost.  Who would think a teeny tiny bikini could cost $600????

I don’t think knowing the cost upfront would have stopped me from competing, as I really wanted to do a show – but it would have helped me to budget or just know what to expect.


There are ways to do it cheaper and some things you can cut so the following are just estimates.


Cost for Prep – although this all can vary; I’d estimate a total of $2700


Prep Coaching $350x4

Posing Coach 40-150$ a session

Supplements varies

Food varies


Show –  estimate $400

NPC Card - $120

Registration - $150-325

Show photographs - ~$150


Optional: Show tickets for your family?

Does your coach require travel fees to be at your show?

Backstage pass?


Competition stuff - estimate $950

Bikini – 300-600

Shoes – 40-120

Jewelry – 20-60

Tanning - 100

Makeup – 100

Misc – Bikini Bite, Oil, Resistance bands, etc


Travel – Approx $800 depends on airfare

Hotel (2 nights)




Again, this is just an estimate – not to scare you.  You can purchase cheap suits, you could youtube posing instead of getting a coach, you could get minimal supplements, you could do your hair, makeup and tanning yourself – so there are options to cut costs if that is a factor. 


The experience, the journey, watching your body transform are all priceless!


Doing a show is something you will never forget.  It will test your strength.  You will accomplish a huge goal. And you’ll get to sparkle and shine at the end of it all.


Stay tuned for part 2 – what to expect during prep.

Melisa Garcia