Do I need a coach if I plan to compete?
Short answer – Yes – if you want to bring your best. If you don’t really care what physique you bring on stage and you don’t care how well you do, then you could technically prep yourself for your first show. There is a lot into it, so you would be learning as you go, or even after the fact. Hiring a coach will help prepare your physique for what’s needed on stage, guide you peak week and show day, and help you with your post show plan and what to expect.
Here are some advantages of hiring a coach –
Guidance – A coach has the knowledge in training, nutrition, and posing that is crucial for your success versus doing it on your own. Sure – you can google and youtube but their experience will help you avoid mistakes, elevate your physique, and save you time in the long run instead of trial and error on your own.
Training plan – Instead of a cookie corner training plan, or some random routine you’ve found online or made up on your own – your coach will personalize a program according to your body composition/type and what requirements/standards are expected for the division you are competing in.
Accountability – I swear by accountability. This has helped me stick to my plan so much, I could not have done so well if I had not had a coach. Accountability ensures you stay on track and are consistent. There will be hard time during your prep, you will want to quit, cheat, lax – but knowing that you are accountable to someone ese, and you have to check in every week makes you more likely to stick to the plan you are given.
Objectivity – You’ll get a different perspective. I find when I coached myself, I always second guessed if I would be ready in time. It would make me nervous, I’d be tempted to cut more calories or do more cardio just to make sure. Although, I still feel this way, knowing I have a coach who is overseeing my results, I have more peace of mind to just keep going with the plan and trusting the process. A coach may also assess your physique and progress differently than how you view yourself.
Posing – Posing is, in my opinion the hardest part of competing and a high priority if you want to show well. The attention it deserves t is often neglected during prep. You have 10-15 seconds to present your physique in it’s best angles. You have one shot. Not knowing the angles, the twisting, the arching, the pushing, core control – well affect your stage presentation. Hiring a coach and/or posing coach will help you perfect your routine and teach you how to perform well on stage.
Nutrition and Supplement Guidance – Your coach will help guide you with the proper calories, macros, carb cycling and supplementation recommendations to ensure you body is ready for stage day.
Competition Day Guidance- Your coach will have experience in this area so will be able to prepare you for what to expect and for that support on competition day – from checking in, to tanning, to hair and makeup, to pre and post show meals, to pumping up back stage, to getting glazed. Show day can feel chaotic so knowing someone is there to guide you so you can be calm back stage is crucial to how you present.
Emotional and Mental Health Support - I think your mental health can take a toll if you are trying to do this yourself. From eating less foods, constantly training, hours of cardio, eating the same foods - your body and mind are tired. A coach can offer support, help you stay focused and positive and also ensure you what emotions are normal and expected but also, what would be concerning.
Faster Results – A coach could help you avoid mistakes such as overtraining, under or over eating or inadequate recovery therefore helping you get faster results by preventing setbacks along the way.
Post Competition Support – Whether you wish to continue in this sport or not, a post show plan is imperative. Without the right plan (and accountability – as you’ll want to eat everything after your show) it is highly likely that you will gain all the weight it took you to lose over the past few months in a matter of weeks. Not only will you gain what you lost back but more. Your body is sensitive and you put it through a lot over the past few weeks, you will need to readjust your nutrition and cardio back to normal/healthy levels without shocking your body. There are a lot of emotions post show as well, so having a coach you can talk to will help you mental health and fitness success in the long run.
So although, it’s possible to prep yourself for a competition – If you want to step on stage at the best you can possibly bring, want to end the competition season still mentally intact, and want to make sure that your post show experience is healthy and still fit – it would be beneficial for you to hire a coach.