My Experience as a Bikini Competitor Part 2 - 6 weeks out
I figured I would start my story here – as my first prep the nightmare began 6 weeks out.
What’s the difference so far you ask?
This time my friend, Tryson is helping me. He is a bodybuilder and has competed several times before and placed overall a few times. After he offered to help me anytime I needed, I explained my concerns w/last prep, how my beliefs on diet/training is different now and I don’t want to ruin our friendship because I’m “hard head”, ask too much questions or just don’t listen, etc. He was totally in agreement with collaborating my prep together so this is where the story begins…..
Previously my meals were pretty much
Protein Veggies Fat
Tilapia Asparagus Cashews
Romaine w/vinegar
Cut salt
Even for Breakfast – I’m guess my calories were in the 1200 range. 12 weeks out there was more flexibility – protein powder, chicken breast, rice, oatmeal….
I track my macronutrients –
I aim to hit 160g of protein; 120g of carbs; and 37 of fat = 1450 calories and do carb rotation
Normally I tend to eat the same foods – however I have the freedom to change it up if I need.
These are my usual sources:
Protein Carbs Fat
Egg whites Protein pancake mix Cashews
Protein drink Jasmine Rice Peanut Butter
Salmon Rice Cakes Salad Dressing
Chicken Broccoli
Tilapia Water cress
I recently cut out peanut butter, salmon, and salad dressing and getting my fats from the nuts.
Weightlifting was 3 day rotating split / 6 days –
Chest, Tris, Shoulders, Back/Biceps, and Legs. Abs 3xs per week
Sets were 3-4 Reps 12-15
Cardio 10.5 hours of cardio a week (started at 9 hours @ 12 weeks out)
Weightlifting: 6 days
Glute focused, Back/Bi, Hit lagging body parts – light weight, Plyos, Ham focused, and Chest/Tri/Shoulders
This split is more tailored toward what body parts I need to work on vs a cookie cutter plan.
I change exercises every week – all Tryson asks is that I make sure I add Deadlift, Squats, and Incline Chest.
Cardio: 6.5 hours cardio per week (I think we started at 1 hour @ 12 weeks out and slowly added as needed)
Scared but mentally ready for the challenge
Doing so much cardio is rough – mentally telling myself that it needs to get done at every session.
Feel good and excited.
Cardio sucks but it’s doable.
Felt supported – knew nothing and she had the answers.
Tryson will always ask me how I am doing – mentally/physically; really feels he cares not only about my transformation but my mental health as well.
It certainly isn’t “easier”; I still want to eat yummy food and I have the roller coaster of thoughts/emotions (I won’t be ready in time, I’m getting leaner, I don’t want to get too skinny, I’m fat, F-it I should quit, I want to do better than last time…..I’m excited, I’m grumpy, I’m nervous, I’m focused, I’m motivated….)
By far the hardest part about prep is the mental challenge – how do you fix that….ha ha tell yourself to shut up and do what you need to do!!
Stay tuned for Part III – 4 weeks out