Effort and Attitude
I read a passage I believe was sent to me at a time that I really needed to hear it…
“I focus on only the things I have total control over: my effort and my attitude. By focusing on only what I can control, my effort and my attitude in the present moment, I will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing the results will take care of themselves. I will not lose myself in the past or worry about the future. I will focus on the present. If I truly give my maximum effort to be the best that I can be today, I will be successful. Nothing can take that away from.”
Not only does this have to do with fitness or competitions, this can really apply toward life in general -- so I thought I should share.
If you’ve been reading my blogs, you’ve noticed that I’ve been going through some struggles. It’s not meant for me to be a “cry baby”, play victim, nor saying that I have no fault in each situation (although I might not know what I did wrong – I believe people have their own perceptions as well). I instead share so others can see that life isn’t perfect. Everyone is human and go through things you know nothing about. I want to share my struggles and what I’m doing to try to help myself. Instead of complaining or staying stuck I fight to not breakdown. I don’t give up on my goals or use circumstances to derail me from what I initially set out to do. I portray happy, confident, strong, put together – but if you really know me, you know my heart is broken, yet I make a conscious decision to keep going and pursue my goals.
I don’t want to be “looked up to” as “so strong and I wish I could do what you do”…instead I want to inspire you to do what you need to do to help yourself. To make goals for yourself and conquer them. It doesn’t have to be competitions – it can be whatever it is that you want. The point is to never stop continually pushing to be the best YOU no matter any circumstances. Effort.
I also want to reiterate the whole meaning behind DoU. Staying true to you – not doing what everyone else is doing – not changing to fit a certain mold – being who you truly are with the fitness realm but also in life. With these struggles I told myself to stay cold hearted, don’t let anyone in, stop doing things for people, guard myself, and make people earn my trust. However, this is NOT me. I am who I am. I don’t want to be cold – I don’t want to be this person I just explained. I want to live in love not in defense mode. I will continue to give my heart and soul to everything I do and to the people in my life. If they break that trust, then shame on them for not taking care of my heart. If I allow them to do it again, then that is on me. I believe in absolute forgiveness at the same time ensuring I won’t let the same person disrespect me twice any longer. Attitude
I’ve sought professional help in the past, there is no shame in that and actually admirable that you want to get better just don’t know what to do.
What works for me now….journaling, meditating/praying (whatever you want to call it), listening to podcasts, working out, and most of all mindfully choosing how I want to direct my thoughts. Again…..I still struggle, but when I do, I try to stop myself and redirect. There is no reason to constantly entertain negativity and keep the best you from being fully present for those that really matter in your life.
Like the passage above said – focus on what you can control. Any other thought is pointless as you are thinking, worrying, crying, etc about something that you can’t change. Instead if you focus on yourself during these situations and what you can do about it and how you react to it will make you successful in everything you do. You can stay calm knowing that you did your best and stayed positive and trust that things will happen exactly as it should.