BFR Training
Blood flow restriction (BFR) Training is a technique using straps placed around the limb you are trying to build during an exercise. It restricts blood flow to the muscle to produce gains in size and strength by pooling the blood into a working muscle. It deprives your muscle of oxygen which causes metabolic stress (one of the main factors of muscle growth). It is also said to fatigue your slow twitch fibers, thus recruiting fast twitch fibers (which have more potential to grow). In theory, you are then able to build using lighter weights, which will help save your joints.
How tight do you wrap the straps? 7 out of 10 on a tightness scale – or 70%. There should be no numbness.
How much weight should I use? Typically you should use 40-50% of your one rep max.
How many reps/sets? High reps – 15 or more. Resting 30 seconds or less between sets. 4 sets with the bands on during the entire set/rest period. Remove bands after your last set.
Where do I place the straps? For the upper body, wrap it just below the shoulder, above the bicep. For the lower body, place it right beneath the glutes.
How often should you perform BFR? 4-5 days per week as a finisher exercise, remember you shouldn’t be wearing these during the whole workout nor should they replace conventional training.
Where can I get the bands? You can buy them of Amazon. They have different widths for arms vs legs.
There are many different recommendations for BFR training if you want to look into it further. Why not give it a try? Your body will adapt, so this is a good technique to give it a shock.