Mindset University - Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss (Podcast #3 transcript)
Probably the 3 biggest weight loss mistakes I see are: I am so frckn excited about my new program – Mindset University.
If you were anything like me you’ve been on the diet roller coaster for years.
You’ve tried any and all diets. You’ve started workout programs and stopped and restarted. You’ve had some successes but always gained the weight back. You lost your self-confidence with the weight gain and you hate to look at yourself in the mirror. You felt like a failure every time you quit. But you always returned to that depressed state and told yourself I need to lose weight – I’m going to do it this time.
I am certain that the diets and exercises you have tried in the past were unrealistic and unsustainable. But I can also be certain that your mindset around nutrition, exercise, and your body were sabotaging your success.
Whether you want to believe me or not – mindset is the most important part of this journey. Heck it’s the most important thing in your life.
So thoughts like:
dieting sucks
I’m fat
I can never eat this again
it will take years for me to reach my goals
I’m a failure
I’ve never stuck to a program
I can’t do it…..
all of these will affect your success. How you ask? Well first your thoughts elicit emotions - all of the thoughts I just mentioned would produce emotions suck as, discouragement, doubt, disgust, anger, depression, hopelessness, self-doubt, insecurity. Emotions and Thoughts combined lead you to certain actions and habits. How would one continually show up ready to give their best at each workout session thinking and feeling these things? How could you possibly stick to your eating program after a hard day when you already feel crappy and you don’t believe in yourself anyway? You see where I’m getting it? The root of success for you lies in shifting these thoughts and feelings.
Disclaimer – If you are hearing this is an easy and quick fix and after 8 weeks you are guaranteed to lose 10# I hate to break it to you. We are working on shifting years and years of your subconscious beliefs. This work must conscious be practice and re-engrained whenever they arise and trust me they will keep arising.
So what will you learn in MSU? Freshman Term we dig into your base thoughts and emotions, we dig more into your past experiences around diet, exercise, and body image, then we work on shifting those base thoughts and emotions up a level, we debunk all the limiting beliefs you have stored in your subconscious from past experiences, once we have that slate cleaned we go into your goals, why you want to accomplish those goals and what are your desired outcomes. Each term I will also give you some alternative tools – Freshman term we cover affirmations.
Every week there are video modules and worksheets – sometimes assignments released. I am certain once you learn how to master your mindset shifts around weight loss success is inevitable.
If you want to blow your mind and change your frckn life while achieving the body of your dreams that finally lasts – Combine 6 month Level up one on one coaching and MSU for the full year. (VIP Program) I back this combo up with a 100% money back guarantee if your body and mind is not transformed.
I’m so excited to share this knowledge with you – and so excited to help you transform your body and mind. I know how it feels to be stuck in the cycle and be depressed with my body. I’m talking decades of losing and gaining the same 50 pounds – I can now say I love my body, I don’t use food to numb my emotions, I don’t restrict myself, I don’t over exercise, I’m maintaining my body weight….i finally figured it out. I wish I had someone guide me through this blueprint so I didn’t have to suffer all those years. I prayed and searched for the answers – that I am offering to share with you.
But If you aren’t ready to invest in upleveling your mindset and you want to continue down your current path - I still encourage you – to just try to work on one of your negative beliefs. What have you got to lose? Talk to you soon and remember to always DoU.
Click here for more information. Want to learn more about changing your beliefs around weight loss? Join Mindset University – Mindset shifts for weight loss.