Change the Channel (Podcast #5 Transcribed)
What station is your mindset stuck on? What do you continue playing over and over again each and everyday? Is this channel aligned to where you want to go or is replaying where you don’t want to be? You can’t “watch” your goals evolve if you are watching the wrong station.
You wake up each morning - brush your teeth and change into your clothes for the day and look in the mirror – what are you thinking/feeling? Having negative self talk? Hating on certain body parts? Calling yourself names? Wishing body parts looked differently? Just feeling crappy about yourself?
Maybe these lead you to motivation and you start the day thinking you’re going to be quote unquote good but by the afternoon you blow your efforts on office treats?
Or do you wake up feeling excited that you are progressing? Feeling proud that every day you are getting closer to your goals with each step? Focus on looking for all the little improvements you can find in your physique every morning. Do you focus your attention on positive self talk and working through your limiting beliefs around weight loss?
I’d like you to take inventory on what Channel you are consistently tuning into. The whoa is me – im fat and this is hard station or the I’m going to accomplish my goals and look damn good station?
You can’t expect to turn on a Country radio station and expect to hear hip hop.
Nor can you turn your television to a scary movie and expect it to teach you how to cook like an episode on the food network would better provide.
So let me ask again – what channel are you tuned into?
What you focus on increases. What you keep thinking about expands and further engrains into your negative thought patterns and reaffirms those beliefs – and I don’t have to remind you – they have not been helping you reach your goals in anyway at all. Switch stations that put you on a better path to reaching your goals.
How about instead you focus on what you do want? How you ask? Ok, so obviously you know very, very well on the things you don’t like….try refocusing on the opposite of that.
Let’s say you wake up feeling fat and discouraged that you’ll never reach your goals. Focus on finding ways that will help you on your path to self-improvement. Work on your limiting beliefs and find ways that you will reach your goals. Use past experiences as tools to help you find what didn’t work and tweak to find a different way versus using past unsuccessful attempts as the final verdict that you can’t do it.
Maybe you already work out but every time you look at yourself – that annoying back fat area is glaring back at you. You are following your workout plans and tracking your calories but that bulge is not diminishing as fast as you’d like. I bet you are so focused on that area, you do not even acknowledge or appreciate how your arms have gotten more defined, or your legs are leaner and tighter. Your pants may even be looser – but you are so focused on that one area you ignore all the other signs that you are progressing. Take the time instead to recognize all the areas that prove all the actions you are taking is bringing you closer to your goals – which in turn will eliminate your back fat.
Even if all this sounds too hippy or new age for you – and don’t believe that your thoughts are holding you back with your weight loss. Why would you want to tune into that negative station everyday anyway? There is enough crap in the outside world, why contaminate your internal world if you don’t have too.
I encourage you to consciously Tune in every morning - see what Channel you are on – Ask yourself what channel do you want to stay on? Maybe mid day do a recheck – more than likely it habitually switched – so change the channel back.
Remember - You have power over the channel you tune into – so choose wisely and as always DoU