I want to lose weight…now😱

Lose weight NOW
(the unsustainable edition)

You're over it – you're feeling disgusted and you decide that enough is enough and you want to lose those extra pounds.  You want to lose it by tomorrow and look for the most drastic plan to ensure the quickest results so you can stop feeling crappy, love your body again, and regain the confidence that you lost. 

The following list are some of the drastic measures people take to lose the weight quickly.  I'm pretty certain you probably tried a few, and I'm also certain that plan didn't work long term and you regained the weight you had lost with that technique.  Let's take a look at some of these methods and why they don't work in the long run.


Excessive Exercising 

"I'm going to exercise 1 hour per day as hard as I can"  "I'm going to run 5 miles every day" "I'm going to exercise twice a day"

Short term – You will lose weight quickly in the beginning. 

Long term – 

Body - Severe wear and tear to your body, possible injury.  You  body will adapt to your program and  start reserving energy (fat sources) to accommodate your activities.  Wyou will plateau…the only way lose weight from here would be to add more cardio.

Mentally -  Exercise is considered punishment versus enjoyable.  Overwhelm. Overwork. 

Diet pills, cleanses, juicing, replacement drinks. 

"I want a diet pill so I can lose the weight and not change any of my actions"  "I'm going to try this new cleanse/juice/replacement drink/program that my friend is trying because she lost 10# in one month just by drinking 2 shakes a day."

Short term – You will lose weight quickly in the beginning. 

Long term – Body - Consider what these chemicals/pills are actually doing to your body.  And is drinking your nutrition as good as eating properly?  Is this something you plan to do forever or just until you lose the weight – then go back to your normal patterns and regain only to start again on this vicious cycle?  

Mentally – Just drinking your meals or being confined to what shake to take and pill to swallow at what time affects your sanity/food cravings- long term you will give in to your cravings. And you know how this story goes.

I'm going to eat “healthy”

“I'll eat only organic"  "I'll eat salads and fruit"  "I'll only eat dark chocolate."

Short term – you'll probably only lose a few pounds the first few weeks, but this is majority water weight.  Your starchy carb consumption will possibly be lower so this will allow your body to release the extra water weight.

Long term - calories are calories.   Are you filling up on nuts or avocado because it is healthy fat?  You could easily consume a handful of nuts that equate to the same calories as a slice of pizza.  Or your healthy salad with the cheese, nuts, avocado, and dressing could easily put you over 500 calories for that meal.  

Again- is this the lifestyle you wish to incorporate forever?  I'm not saying "healthy" eating isn’t beneficial for you, but rather your should 1) still track your calories and 2) only continue if this is your new norm – otherwise balance the two.

I’ll just cut my carbs – I always lose weight that way


"I did Keto before and lost the weight"  "Carbs make you fat"  "I'll stop eating carbs until "I lose 10 pounds.


Short term – just like above you'll lose a lot of water weight initially.  You may even continue to lose weight in the months to come, which is due to the decrease in calorie consumption versus cutting out a macronutrient.


Long term - When you finally lose what you want/or give up and return to your normal diet water is restored and weight quickly returns, but mostly as fat. Also, cutting out entire food group leads to a higher risk of binging. Which will push you further from your weight loss goals. 

Do some research - ask people that have the results and lifestyle for advice - ask for help put please do not try these methods on yourself.  I have been guilty of trying them all and trust me when I say that they all worked short term, but I eventually gained back what I lost plus some when I tried to return to normalcy. I believe in slow, steady, and sustainable programing that allows flexibility and balance.  A plan that is a lifestyle versus a quick fix diet.

Melisa Garcia