Mindset University - Mindset shifts for Weight loss


Ever wonder why people who win the lottery end up broke again a few years later?  

Wonder why most people make great transformations in their physique yet gain it all back a few months later? 

Of course there could be other factors (such as habits and how extreme their diet/exercise regimens are) but for this blogs theme we will go over the key to achieving and maintaining your results is ----

  1. ·       Getting control over your thought patterns

  2. ·       Smashing beliefs that subconsciously stop you in your tracks

  3. ·       Shifting your mindset – basically building your mental strength to compliment the physical results you are also working towards. 


Are you saying to your computer screen – 

  • “I don’t understand what you are saying?” 

  • “I don’t know what you mean.” 

  • Or “I don’t believe you.” 


Let me ask you this –

  1. What you been on your current cycle of off and on again in hopes of achieving your goal for quite some time?  

  2. Have you tried numerous diets?  Are you still trying?  

  3. Have you hired personal trainers or coaches?  Bought workout programs?  

  4. Searched online for programs and diets that work fast?  

If you answered yes to any of these – 

  • How is that working for you?   

  • Have all your goals been reached?  

  • Results maintained?  


If you just realized after answering these questions that maybe something is missing – let me ask you a few more questions.  Reply as quickly as you can without over thinking or answering with what you think is the “right answer”.    

  1. Do you believe you can reach your goals?  

  2. Do you think it will take forever?  

  3. Do you think diet and exercise is hard work? 

  4. Do you think you are fat/out of shape and focus on parts of your body that you don’t like? 

  5. Do you think there is a certain way you need to exercise and eat in order to reach your goals?  

  6. Do you think there are foods that you are not allowed to eat?  

Your initial responses are linked to your subconscious thoughts.   

A little science for you – your subconscious thoughts affect 90% of your actions.  Your subconscious is programmed by all the thoughts you think over and over until they become beliefs; unconsciously you will do things based on these beliefs.  

 So if you don’t believe you will ever reach your goal – subconsciously and consciously you will react to these beliefs.  (we can talk about neural pathways on another blog) 

For example – consciously you don’t believe you will ever reach your goal. 

Let’s say you already ate more than enough but have an urge to eat more. First reaction, your conscious thought says - stop, “I shouldn’t, I’m trying to lose weight”…….

Then unconsciously this thought comes to the surface - ”but, I’m never going to reach my goal anyway, I might as well eat more.” 

You then reach for that second serving.  Sabotage. 

Let’s say you worked on changing this belief – now, instead of believing that you will never reach your goal, you now believe that it is possible – you’ve also worked on shifting from “it is possible one day far into the future” to “I can lose 10#s in 3 months, easily”.   

Now when having the urge to grab seconds when you aren’t hungry or grabbing that ice cream after a workout you will consciously stop yourself because you know you can (and will) reach your goals in 3 months so you don’t want to hinder your progress.  

 Unconsciously, the thought may enter but you will quickly dismiss without even having the mental debate in your head about it.

So learning how to make these shifts is what you will learn in MSU?  Each term is 8 weeks. Freshman Term we dig into your base thoughts and emotions, we dig more into your past experiences around diet, exercise, and body image, then we work on shifting those base thoughts and emotions up a level, we debunk all the limiting beliefs you have stored in your subconscious from past experiences, once we have that slate cleaned we go into your goals, why you want to accomplish those goals and what are your desired outcomes.    Each term I will also give you some alternative tools – Freshman term we cover affirmations. 

Every week there are video modules and worksheets – sometimes assignments released.  qna sessions are scheduled every other week – possibly weekly depending on the content. I am certain once you learn how to master your mindset shifts around weight loss success is inevitable. 

Freshman Term is open now for registration – but doors close Oct 24 and won’t reopen until January so get your booty in there before it’s too late.   First Module opens Oct 25th. 

If you want to blow your mind and change your frckn life while achieving the body of your dreams that finally lasts – Combine 6 month Level up one on one coaching and MSU for the full year.  I back this combo up with a 100% money back guarantee if your body and mind is not transformed. 

I’m so excited to share this knowledge with you – and so excited to help you transform your body and mind.  I know how it feels to be stuck in the cycle and be depressed with my body.  I’m talking decades of losing and gaining the same 50 pounds – I can now say I love my body, I don’t use food to numb my emotions, I don’t restrict myself, I don’t over exercise, I’m maintaining my body weight….i finally figured it out.  I wish I had someone guide me through this blueprint so I didn’t have to suffer all those years.   I prayed and searched for the answers – that I am offering to share with you. 

But If you aren’t ready to invest in upleveling your mindset and you want to continue down your current path -  I still encourage you – to just try to work on one of your negative beliefs.  What have you got to lose?  Talk to you soon and remember to always DoU.

Registration is now open - but Doors close Oct 24 and won’t reopen until January. Don’t waste anymore time - you’ve already done more than enough of that. Let’s break the cycle.


MotivationMelisa Garcia