Steps toward a fitter you– Part 3 – Work on your mindset
Here are the steps I believe is needed to start your body transformation….
1) Get your mind ready
2) Start tracking your food
3) Work on your mindset
4) Make it a habit
5) Integrate exercise
6) Accept that set backs are a part of the journey
7) Stay consistent
So we started getting your mind ready in Step 1 with establishing your goals and your why. Then we went into the importance of tracking your food and how to do it. (And we started correct?)
Now it’s time to work on your mindset. I cannot stress the importance of working on your mindset alongside your fitness and exercise journey. Ever wonder why people who win the lottery end up broke again a few years later? Wonder why some make great transformations in their physique yet gain it all back a few months later?
There could be other factors (such as habits and if their diet/exercise regimen was unsustainable) but for this blogs theme we will go over the key to achieving and maintaining your results is getting control over your thought patterns, smashing beliefs that subconsciously stop you in your tracks, and shifting your mindset – basically building your mental strength to compliment the physical strength you are also working towards.
Are you saying to your computer screen - “I don’t understand what you are saying?” “I don’t know what you mean.” “I don’t believe you.”
Let me ask – how long have you been on your current cycle of off and on again in hopes of achieving your goal? Have you tried numerous diets? Are you still trying? Have you hired personal trainers or coaches? Bought workout programs? Searched online for programs and diets that work fast? So, how is that working for you? Have all your goals been reached? Results maintained?
If you just realized that something may be missing from your tool box in your quest to achieving your goals – let me ask you a few more questions. Reply as quickly as you can without over thinking or answering with what you think is the “right answer”. Do you believe you can reach your goals? Do you think it will take forever? Do you think diet and exercise is hard work? Do you think you are fat/out of shape and focus on parts of your body that you don’t like? Do you think there is a certain way you need to exercise and eat in order to reach your goals? Do you think there are foods that you are not allowed to eat? Your initial responses are linked to your subconscious thoughts.
A little science for you – your subconscious thoughts affect 90% of your actions. You subconscious thoughts are programmed by all the thoughts and beliefs you have; and unconsciously you will do things based on your subconscious. So if you don’t believe you will ever reach your goal – subconsciously and consciously you will react to these beliefs. (we can talk about neural pathways on another blog)
For example – consciously you don’t believe you will ever reach your goal so when you already ate more than enough but have an urge to eat more you stop for a second and say, “I shouldn’t, I’m trying to lose weight”…….”but, I’m never going to reach my goal anyway, I might as well.” Then reach for that second serving. Sabotage.
Or – these beliefs are subconscious and you don’t even really think about it – you just react. You are driving home from the gym, passing McDonalds – “ah, I’ll get an ice cream. I deserve it.” Deep down your belief system knows that you won’t lose weight so actions are automatic towards making your beliefs your constant reality.
By the way - It takes conscious and consistent effort to reprogram – some people think okay, “I’ll just say I believe” – DONE. You really need to work on removing and changing self-sabotaging beliefs.)
Let’s say you worked on changing this belief – now, instead of believing that you will never reach your goal, you now believe that it is possible – you’ve also worked on shifting from “it is possible one day far into the future” to “I can lose 10#s in 3 months, easily”. Now when having the urge to grab seconds when you aren’t hungry or grabbing that ice cream after a workout you will consciously stop yourself because you know you can (and will) reach your goals in 3 months so you don’t want to hinder your progress. Unconsciously, the thought may enter but you will quickly dismiss without even having the mental debate in your head about it.
I encourage you – try working on one of your counterproductive beliefs – and see how this can help you move closer to your goals.
Want to learn more about changing your beliefs around weight loss? Join my signature 12 week mindset masterclass program - “Weight loss mindset shifts”.
Click here for more information.