If You think you can or cant, you’re right

Whether you think you can or can't you are right.

Want to know what the secret foundation to weight loss really is? You may think it's eating salads, greens, whole foods, not eating sweets or carbs. Maybe you believe it is working out every day. Or being able to run 5 miles straight. But the foundation of weight loss is your current thoughts/beliefs.

How the heck are my thoughts/beliefs going to help me lose weight?

Well, let me ask you….in your past attempts at weight loss did you truly believe that you were going to reach your goals? Or did you just hope or wish you would magically get there. Besides trying to force new habits upon yourself did you try to adopt any positive thinking or work on your mental strength? Did you ever look for the positive changes throughout your journey, or did you just focus on this or that body part that you didn't like – or frustrated on the fact that the progress wasn't as fast as you'd have hoped it to be?

Imagine – 2 different people – weighing the exact same – has the same amount of time to dedicate to working out - they have the same nutrition struggles and they progress at the same pace.

Week 1: Person A: I'm so fat. I hate my stomach. I'm going to exercise everyday and stop eating sweets. I'm going to try to lose weight. Person B: I'm determined to do what I need to do to reach my goals. I will get there.

Week 2: Person A: I lost 3" but I'm still fat. Will I ever get there? Person B: I lost 3"inches this week. WIN. I am getting closer to reaching my goal.

Week 3: Person A: I only lost 2#s, this is not working, my stomach is still as fat as ever. This isn't working. I'm going to eat pizza and drink beer today because I'm disappointed and it's not working anyway. Person B: I lost 2#s and see more definition in my arms, although this is not an area I'm totally concerned with I know if I am losing weight here, I am also losing weight all over. I'm going to skip on pizza/beer tonight because I am seeing progress.

Week 4: Person A: I know I didn't stick with my diet this week but that's because it's taking forever, I might as well live life to the fullest and eat what I like. I'm going to take a rest day from working out today too. Person B: I had a little slip this week, but I understand why I did so and am taking the lessons learned to use toward future struggles. I am back on track because I know I'm going to get there. I will not quit, I will not give up, I will not stay down when I slip.

The only difference between the two, was what they chose to focus on. One focused on the negative and the impatience of the journey and ultimately gave up because they couldn't "see" the progress. Person B – chose to think encouraging thoughts, celebrating every bit of progress along the way. Believing that they would get to their goal so there was no reason to quit or give up because he/she believed that he/she would get there.

So just by having a different outlook will assist you in choosing or not choosing certain actions, behaviors, and/or habits. Believing that you WILL achieve your results will help keep you focused on the end goal and choosing actions that will ultimately get you there. Whereas focusing on the doubts and negativity will sway you to keep engaging in bad habits that have kept you stuck. If you don't believe you will get your results you will give up whenever the wind blows. Why bother or try if it's not going to work?

Want to change your results? Change your thoughts/beliefs first. It all starts in your head.

Need help – check out my online programing, success program, and/or life coaching programs.

Melisa Garcia