Sugar Addit

I’m not going into detail regarding sugar addition – just google and you can find countless articles regarding this topic describing addiction being worse than drug addiction, the scientific studies, as well as how it affects your health.

If you know me, or follow me on social media – you are aware of my cookie addiction. I absolutely love cookie!  In the past, with flexible dieting I was able to enjoy 2 oreos every night.  I’m not sure what happened that affected my self-control (I have a feeling it had to do with my strict dieting this past contest prep) but now I am out of control when it comes to cookies, candies, ice cream, etc. I’ve attempted to stop eating sweets and succeeded 2 days before giving in and then retrying a few days later.

After researching sugar addition and evaluating my “need” “desire” for sweets; I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to detox.  I’m not saying I’ll never eat sweets again, although I do believe it doesn’t benefit your body in any way – but my intentions are to eliminate sugar dramatically from my diet and re-introduce them later if I want to after I’ve broken the addiction.

If you’ve read my previous “determining if you are ready to adopt a behavior change” – you’ll remember the stages you must go through in order to succeed in permanent change:  

Pre-contemplation – In this stage you are currently not even considering a lifestyle change.  You do not think making a change is important in your life.   If you are in this stage you most likely will not be reading this blog. 

Contemplation – In this stage you have not started to make any changes but are beginning to think that it is important and realize the implications of not making a change.  (I’ve been contemplating for over a month)

Preparation – In this stage you begin making some changes.  You are not consistent in this stage, but you are getting ready to adopt this lifestyle.  (I’ve attempted to modify my behavior for a few weeks)

Action – In this stage you are being consistent; however for less than 6 months. (I am again – attempting to modify my behavior today)

Maintenance – In this final stage you have been consistent for more than six months. Unless something drastically derails you or you are not seeing results, you have adopted this new behavior.

Here are a few examples of benefits of cutting/eliminating sugar:
Lose weight
Break addiction
Transform relationship with food
Improve concentration
Increase energy
Clearer skin
Better sleep
Stabilize moods
Balance your hormones

I don’t believe in drastic, give up everything all at once type of change.  I believe you should slowly ease yourself into it, in order to make the changes permanent.  With this being said I am looking at a long term sugar detox program – not a 7 day cleanse or 30 day program.  This will be a process, not an event -- where we will be aiming for progress rather than perfection.  Goal is to gradually cut/eliminate starting for the easiest craving to the most difficult.

I will post monthly regarding my experience – if you are interested contact me for a tailored sugar detox program - I will work with the first 5 individuals who contact me.

Weekly we would together – determine what you should try to eliminate.  We would also define how you process making changes….some easily adapt – others fight change.  And with certain foods – you may be a combo of these.

Below is the list of foods we are going to cut/eliminate throughout the process – you may not go through entire list by 6 months, nor you may not want to.  Maybe you are unwilling to give up something…for instance soda.  Which is perfectly fine – cutting down and/or eliminating other forms of sugar will already benefit you greatly.

               Group 1:
Table Sugar
               Ice cream
              Liquid sugars

Group 2:
(if you weren’t aware, carbs turn into sugar when in your body; therefore causing same effects)
White Rice
White Flour – chips – crackers - pasta
White Bread
Processed foods
Hidden sugar – in sauces, breads, etc – read labels.
Artificial Sugar

So, after reading this list – you may be thinking to yourself:  “you’re crazy, those are what life is about - I want to enjoy my life”, “I enjoy eating these”, “without these I’ll starve”, “I can’t give it up” etc

I’m in the same boat – I love cookies, they make me happy, what would life be w/out eating the things I enjoy.  But….my inner healthy child responds to those thoughts saying—1 - Life is not about food…..if that is your life we should re-prioritize.   2 – Take a look at that list again and tell me what is “natural” – we have taken natural substances (sometimes not even natural ingredients) and processed and/or chemically altered and call this food.  3 – You will not starve, you just choose to eat “crap” rather than foods that will nourish your body. What do you think your body would prefer to process?  An Apple (100 calorie carb source) or a bag of chips (100 calorie carb source).  4- You can’t give it up or won’t give it up?  Again, you don’t have to cut out everything on the list – it is up to you how far you want to go.  How much you want to cleanse your body, How bad you want to see how these changes can affect the way you feel.

So…..are you in?

Week 1:                             

Since Group 1 contains a lot of my “trigger” foods (food that once you eat a little - triggers to eat more or causes you to derail from your current nutrition program), my intentions are to not even touch it. 

 Group 1:
Table Sugar
               Ice cream
Liquid sugars

I will trade Brown Rice for White Rice this week and try to not touch any white flour/bread items.
Will be mindful over processed food choices and hidden sugars.  Give up diet soda.  Still keeping my one Splenda in my coffee.  (I also am pretty sure my protein powder has artificial sugar)

Group 2:
(if you weren’t aware, carbs turn into sugar when in your body; therefore causing same effects)
White Rice
White Flour – chips – crackers - pasta
White Bread
Processed foods
Hidden sugar – in sauces, breads, etc – read labels.
Artificial Sugar