Different Methods of Training....Changing your workout program....Part 1

People hear that they should change up their training program and quickly tune out – thinking I like my program, I don’t want to change, I don’t know what to do, or that’s all I know.  Well change doesn’t have to be drastic – it doesn’t have to be totally different – like group exercise when you are doing free weights, or changing your body part splits all around, nor different exercises if you are already comfortable with what you are currently doing -  here are a few techniques you can utilize in your current lifting sessions…..
1 – Tempo training:  probably the easiest technique – with tempo training you will slow down (3 seconds – although can be at whatever tempo you choose) to complete the eccentric part of the movement (aka the negative, easy part, lowering when you are doing bench press, releasing if you are doing a lat pull down, etc) and forcefully perform (1 second) the concentric part of the movement (aka positive, the hard part, pushing the bar up if you are doing a bench press, pulling down when you are doing a lat pull down, etc.)  
For instance – if you are performing a dumbbell curl for your biceps you would lift the dumbbells up for 1 second, then slowly releasing back down taking 3 seconds before your arms are back to the starting point, then lift up with 1 second count and slowly release for a total of 3 seconds….repeat.
2- Beyond Failure: choose a weight that you can perform only 6-8 reps with.  Once you reach failure, take 5 seconds to perform the eccentric portion and then perform 2-3 more reps.
As a sample – with seated row you would choose a heavy weight (one that you can only lift 6-8 reps) you would perform as many as you can then on the eccentric (releasing part of the movement) you would take 5 seconds to complete (slowly release so by the count of 5 your arms would be extended) then you would push yourself to do 2-3 more reps….hence beyond failure….all about the mind….you can do it!
3- Mixed method:  Typically performed on a machine – You perform concentric portion with two limbs and eccentric portion with one.
For example – If you were performing the seated chest press – you would push the weight with two arms then release one hand and lower using one arm – lift with both arms then switch and lower using the other arm – repeat. 
These techniques are easy to do and will provide stimulation to your muscles.  Change it up a little– try one of these methods just for fun. 
Stay tuned for Part 2…..

WorkoutMelisa Garcia