30 Day Ab Case Study
I wanted to do a case study regarding performing abdominal exercises every day – no weight, time under tension for a total of 5 minutes per day with one day rest each week. For 30 days I posted ab videos online for 10 participants. Monday was always a modified plank and the other 5 days were different ab movements each day.
For most of us, we neglect working out abs – we all want that tight midsection but “it’s too hard” to commit, so the thought was – anyone can do abs for 5 minutes…..5 minutes of your day is nothing. Mind you, the exercises are for 5 minutes straight. Participants were able to rest when needed but was asked to commit to 5 minutes each day.
Results –
2 Participants did not even start
4 Participants completed 50% of the challenge
2 Participants completed 80% of the challenge
2 Participants completed 100% of the challenge
50% -2 reported no changes, 1 reported a little bit difference, 1 reported 1” loss in waist with same weight
80% - reported that they could tell a difference but did not take measurements
100% - reported that is worked
Out of the 2 participants that completed 100% of the challenge, one lost 5# and 2" from her midsection and could visually see the changes in her abs. The other participant remained the same weight and stated she could never see ab definition until now. Both believe that it worked for them and would like to continue to do 5min a day of abs.
When asked how come the other participants stopped - the common responses were: “Too hard” and “Got lazy”.
Do I think that training abs one day hard like other body parts would be more beneficial? Possibly – but personally I start abs and then “wuss” out during them and stop focusing – because it’s “hard”. With 5 minutes a day, I am able to tell myself that it’s only 5 minutes and to stop being a baby and finish strong before the timer goes off.
I am going to restart 30 days with a few modifications starting in July. If you are interested and committed to completing all 30 days message me. Only taking 10 participants.