Identifying Your Limiting Factors....

Identifying your (nutrition) limiting factors….

So you are trying to eat better, you think you are doing good; but you are not getting the results you think you should or you keep sabotaging yourself.  Identifying your limiting factor(s) is key to overcoming these challenges.

Overeating healthy foods
    Too often, I hear “but I eat healthy and I still can’t lose weight”.  After finding out exactly what they eat everyday, it’s obvious what the limiting factor is.  Believe it or not, you can over eat healthy foods.   Let’s say someone eats lots of fruits, veggies, and nuts….all nutritious foods….A medium banana has 210 calories, 1 cup blueberries have 184 calories, a handful of cashews- 358 calories, a chicken cesar salad 460 calories….that is already 1200 calories – and I’m sure that is not including your breakfast, dinner, and maybe a few more healthy foods.  You CAN gain weight eating “healthy”, “organic”, “vegan”, etc.

Overeating processed foods
    I’m not a very good cook and/or I hate cooking, so I’m all about the quick and easy meals - I understand trust me.  But grabbing frozen and/or highly processed foods tend to pack a ton of calories for a minimal portion, which will lead you to be less satisfied – grabbing more foods through out the day. Processed foods are also low in nutrients and higher in fat and sodium.  Once in a while it’s not bad but eating too much processed foods will hinder your results.  

Not eating enough protein
    I notice this mostly in women – rarely getting enough protein in.  Protein is the most crucial macro in building muscle and body re-composition.  Not only will adding protein to your meals keep you satisfied it will maintain, increase, or help reduce breakdown of your muscle mass.  I am not suggesting high protein, low carb – I highly discourage this.  I am recommending you make sure that you get protein in at every meal.  

Missing meals
    I get it – you’re busy, there isn’t enough time, you forgot to pack your lunch so you skip a meal… the time you get to sit down and eat you are famished thus overeating.  Have little go to, convenient snacks available just in case you get preoccupied.  

Drinking your calories
    Not only do beverages contribute to added sugar but drinking your calories instead of eating them is not advisable.  Soda, sugary coffee drinks, alcohol, Gatorade, fruit juice, almond milk….you name it- bottom line is that these are adding to your daily caloric intake.  I prefer to eat my calories then drink them.  Again, I am not saying all or nothing to any of these factors, I am merely showing you where you may be prohibiting yourself from reaching your goals.

Using food to manage feelings
    Stress eating/emotional eating…..I still struggle with this myself.  We need to realize that food will not solve your emotion and will only temporarily preoccupy your mind until the food is gone.  Try to figure out what is wrong before using food to cope….realizing this limiting factor is the first step in overcoming.

All or nothing thinking
    You are either on a diet or off – Healthy eating or cheat meals – you are eating good or you are bad.  It doesn’t have to be black or white.  I believe in balance and this is the only way to sustain your results long term.  You can have your cake and eat it too and lose weight.  Stop beating yourself up because you ate that candy bar…or 3….eat well the rest of the day and move on.  Saying F--- it and overindulging the rest of the day will only take you backwards.

Not prepping your food ahead of time
    Yes it takes time and effort.  But when you are hungry and your portioned meal is ready and available, you will tend to grab this instead of the bag of chips that is in the cupboard.  Take a little extra time to prep a little more for dinner so you can pack that for your lunch the next day.  Try to take little steps to help prepare yourself for the week ahead.

Blowing it over the weekends
    Monday through Friday you are on point with your nutrition and training but come the weekend it is a free for all.  This is where you need to reflect….is it because you were too strict during your week, or you think you “deserve” it because you stuck to the plan, is it because you are bored, is it because you have more social outings, what is your reason….think about what it is and problem solve.  

No one is “perfect” and we ALL struggle.  It is not easy for anyone.  We all need to find what is holding us back and find solutions.  It is not about being more knowledgeable, but rather learning a new strategy.

In the end, you can use it as an excuse to hold you back or you can overcome and find your way.