My Journey to the Stage...again....Part 2

Nutrition: Still eating approximately 1400 calories – including 1 chocolate chip cookie a day.  Whoooo hoooooo!


Workout: Lifting and Cardio program is the same. Incorporating light and heavy days, plyos baby, and bfr.


Misc: Posing and Stretching are the same – goal was to get in total of 4 hours of stretching this month….I got in 5.5 hours.  I won’t set too much of an expectation next month as 4 hours was doable – more would be better but baby steps for me.


Mindset:  I am having fun…I enjoy lifting, I enjoy joking/playing, I enjoy life.


February goal was to lose 4# - I lost 5#.  Not gonna lie; although my goal was only 4 and I’m not excessively trying to lose more, I was still a bit bummed because I wanted to see more.  So there you go…mental mind games.  If you are a client I always share that I still battle with myself; however it’s much easier for me now, not to dwell or focus on this psycho-ness.


March goal – lose 4# -- Plan is to average a loss of 4#s every month.  Of course, it’s just a number but this will get me to around the stage weight I’d like to be at.  I’m actually ahead of schedule so I’m a bit excited….it’ll be such a change to roll into a show not exhausted from doing so much cardio.


I took progress pictures in Mid Feb and deleted them…holy fatness…..okay okay…self love…I love my body in every stage of my journey…I’ll take pictures again.


Still working on being positive, happy, confident, strive towards my goals, and leveling up – really is a daily choice and have to remind myself to fill my head with good vibes vs negative thoughts.


Expected Outcomes:

#1 Step on stage with a better physique – won’t be able to fully say until I’m cut, but I do think I can tell that I’ve built a little bit this off season.


#2 enjoy my journey and stay positive – still having fun and making it a habit to be positive. (btw don’t think I’m a perfect angel here….I still make cruel jokes, I don’t love everyone, sometimes I’m mean, tease, bad moods, etc)


#3 Work on posing so I feel confident/comfortable on stage w/all the walking, twisting, and turning – Still practicing – practice makes perfect.   I can tell stretching helps with my posing tho.


#4 have a better post season….aka don’t get too fat and stick with my reverse diet this time around – Wrote out my plan (but then again, I always do) also wrote why it didn’t work for me and ways that I can maybe stick with it better this time around…again only time will determine this outcome


Will I stay on track?  Will my plan work?  When will I have to give up that cookie?  When will I need to start strict dieting?  Will I have to buss @$$ with cardio soon?     Stay tuned…..for Part 3.