German Volume Training

German Volume Training

Also known as 10 sets of 10.  German Volume Training programs focus on different muscle groups each day.  60% of the one rep max should be utilized for the weight lifted for each set and 60-90 seconds rest should be taken in between sets.
So I’m interested in German Volume Training but not for my entire body.  There are body parts I am trying to build to get the overall physique I am trying to achieve, so can I incorporate German Volume Training into my routine?   I tried googling GVT for specific body parts, only one body part, hybrids, etc.  I couldn’t specifically find what I was looking for so went back to the drawing board.
The goal of German Volume Training is to add mass, increasing hypertrophy by increasing reps, using compound exercises which help you to lift more weight, and increase volume which forces unused muscle fibers to react. It is also important to ensure you are lifting the proper amount and taking enough rest in between so your muscles can recover.
Taking all of this into consideration I decided to make my own Hybrid. 
Current training:
Monday:  Rest day
Tuesday:  Plyos
Wednesday:  Heavy Shoulders
Thursday: Moderate Leg day
Friday:  Arms
Saturday: Heavy Legs
Sunday: Back and rear delts
Revised training to include GVT:
Monday:  Rest day
Tuesday:  Plyos
Wednesday:  GVT Training for shoulders exercise 1 - 10x10; exercise 2 – 3 x 8-10; exercise 3 – 3 x 8-10
One power movement and then accessory for shoulders.
Thursday: GVT Training for Legs exercise 1 -10x10; exercise 2 – 10x10
Two power movements
Friday:  Arms
Saturday: Heavy Legs
Sunday: Back and rear delts
I’m not sure how I should test progress.  Measurements wouldn’t be very accurate as I am currently trying to slow cut, so technically my measurements should be decreasing.  Pictures – same, I am cutting so I should look more defined since I am losing fat.  I assume the best way is to track my lifting.  If I am getting stronger the muscles should be growing as well…… I go to building muscles DoU hybrid style. 

WorkoutMelisa Garcia