Self Love - Part 2 - Bad Cop Style

Self Love Part 2 – Bad Cop Style -  Stop the shit talking in your head

So you read Part 1 – and it didn’t really resonate with you.  Maybe you respond better when people tell it like it is and not worry about hurting your feelings….if so – here you go…..
You understand that having negative thoughts about yourself lowers your self-confidence.  You know this, so why do you continue to let yourself think these things?  “I’m Fat”, “I’m not good/smart/pretty/etc enough”, “I hate this or that about myself”, “I failed…” etc.   

Do you like feeling crappy about yourself? Do you honestly believe these things? 

If you like feeling crappy about yourself – then you might as well return this book.  No more explanation needed here, just stop reading….

If however, you honestly believe those things then what are you doing to fix them? Most people who use negative self-talk are usually only being overly critical; however, for those of you that do truthfully believe these self-comments – then what are you doing to change??????

For instance…
You put on a form fitting shirt, look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, “ugh, you’re disgusting – fat. Change your shirt so no one has to look at your rolls all day.”

Okay, so that thought came into your head and you are actually 30 pounds overweight.  Even your physician stated you are in the “obese” category.  Then what, I ask again- what are you doing to change that?  Do you want to even change?

If yes, make a plan of action – actually commit and follow through the process and work on changing those negative thoughts while you are progressing through your goals.  Instead of “I’m so fat” – you redirect this thought into “maybe I’m not my ideal weight, but I started exercising and eating right so I know that I will get there soon.”

You will most likely have to remind yourself of this “new thought” countless times – but trust me, keep working on it and eventually the negative self-talk with subside.

Some say they want to change, but quite honestly aren’t willing to put in the effort or follow through – if this is you; stop lying to yourself and everyone else.  Stop wasting emotions on battling wanting something but not wanting to do what it takes.  Choose instead to accept this “imperfection/weakness/flaw”, go to the Boost to Self-Love section and apply those ideas – but instead of saying you are getting there – you say “I may not be my ideal weight, but I love every part of myself.”  Continue to use self-affirmations instead of negative thinking.  Maybe one day you will actually will commit to doing what it takes, until then stop wasting time just “wishing”.

MotivationMelisa Garcia