Positivity….back it up….how about back to the basics……being a good human

So, I try to rotate my blog posts…food related, my journey, training related, and positivity.   This week’s blog post falls in the positivity realm.
I was going to blog on how to be positive, self-love, gratitude, blah blah blah….and then thought….wait…..I’m here trying to give advice on what I’m trying to do to better my life and people out there need to learn some of the basics….aka…like how to be a better human.  (of course I’m not referring to any of you because you all who are reading this are all good people) :)  and of course I’m not saying I’m perfect – so don’t go judging me.  I am absolutely guilty of some of these (I admit to 3 – possibly 4)
So here are a few guidelines….maybe you can adopt some, maybe you can reflect and see if you do these, maybe you already do them all, or maybe you don’t even care – and in that case……you can _________________ fill in the blank for yourself because I’m a good human over here :)
1) Say thank you and mean it – appreciate what people do for you.  They absolutely don’t have to do anything for your ungrateful @$$.
2) Don’t take advantage – remember, no one owes you anything.  Anything they do for you, even giving you their time - is a gift….stop taking from people without being appreciative and/or giving back.  It doesn’t have to be tit for tat; but the thoughts/gestures/actions can be reciprocated instead of you just sucking the life out of people.
3) Attentive Listening – could we all just let go of our phones for a second and actually look and pay attention to the person talking to you.  Honestly even if they are irritating and what they are talking about is not important – do they really deserve zero respect?
4) Gossip….what is the point?  I think what it boils down to is making yourself feel better by making others look bad or making your point about someone, again making them look bad, again making yourself feel better for being “right” about them. 
If you are venting about a person it’s a bit different as you are trying to express your hurt/feelings/frustrations/etc rather than gossiping – but remember – there are 3 sides….both sides and how they interpret in their twisted minds, and then the truth.  So take with a grain of salt.  If someone hurt me doesn’t mean they will do the same to you…just be warned….lol.
5) Be supportive – If someone shares with you their goals or what they want to do with their life – how about instead of being negative and/or talking them out of it you be supportive of their dreams and their life!!  Is it really that you care so you want to tell them all the negatives about what could happen, are you smarter so you know more, or do you think they haven’t considered everything before sharing their hopes and dreams with you? If it really is a ludacris goal – like they want to start training for the Olympics at the age of 45 without even being in the sport….you can still definitely support them without being negative by encouraging them to train and participate in fun runs. Don’t need to crush their dreams whether you think it’s possible or not.
6) Pray/meditate – whether it is to thank God/universe; take time to pause and reflect; asking for help/encouragement/strength/wisdom/etc – it will help you to stay grounded (aka better human), encourage optimism (aka nicer human to be around), help with compassion for others (aka kinder human); help overcome difficult circumstances (aka less stressed human)—basically a greater overall sense of wellbeing.
7) Stop comparing – Be you – DoU.  Try to be happy with who you are…. admiration is one thing, striving for better is another, but comparing your life, your family, your material belongs, your appearance - with anyone else is un-healthy and un-humanish…..actually it’s very much a common destructive trait we humans have….where did we learn that from????  Comparing will ultimately lead to some form of jealous and possibly ill feelings or gossip toward the person you envy….not such a good human.
8) Learn to love yourself – Similar to some of the tips listed above.  If you truly love yourself you have no time for gossip, comparing, you’ll be appreciative, and several that I’ll address below. Loving yourself will help you to love others as well.
9) Set goals – honestly if you are not moving forward and trying to live your best live you are merely existing.  Live to work – work to pay bills- pay bills to live…add some gossip, alcohol, rudeness and voila recipe for a unfulfilling life if you ask me.   Setting goals will make you more clear on your life purpose, help you to effectively use your time, will give you peace of mind, help you in decision making processes, and ultimately give you a sense of pride as you are achieving those goals.  Trust me – try it – you might like it.
10) Rather than blaming others or justifying, how about just acknowledging our mistakes.  There is nothing more admirable then those that can admit that they were wrong, say sorry, and attempt to do better.
11) Practice forgiveness – forgiveness isn’t about making the other person feel better it is to help you to feel better. Anger, hurt, etc are not so fun emotions….forgive and move on.
12) When someone texts you – text them back…..no one told you it’s rude to ignore?  If you don’t want to answer than don’t – but don’t get mad when it’s done to you.
13) Be humble – no one is better than anyone else.  Stop acting like you are. The end.
14) Stop complaining – fix it - if you can’t then change something so you don’t have to complain about it anymore.  Everyone is tired of hearing it.
15) Be polite – by definition: having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people.  We expect our children to be polite, yet don’t do the same???   Well mannered – well behaved – courteous – are more synonyms in case you needed help.
In the end – do you think we are all too busy (or feel busy due to technology???) that being a good human has been thrown out the window?  Do you think many are practicing self-love so inconsideration for others has been substituted?   Let’s try to be better to each other….boils down for respect for others and yourself.  Ok now go workout :)