Positivity in times of Uncertainty

Am I always calm, unaffected, and certain? Absolutely not. Does it take daily/hourly effort to keep my mind strong? Absolutely. Am the positivity fairy? Absolutely not. Have I emotional eaten during this COVID crisis? 100% AB SO LUTE LY

Our current reality— we are dealing with a pandemic. Looking back in history (during our generation) – the pandemics we have experienced were AIDS/HIV and SARS -- neither impacted the world as a whole like COVID has. There is so much uncertainty, fear, changes, rules, suggestions, rumors, etc. We have felt the effects for about a month now. You have probably gone through stages, such as denial, anger, bargaining and depression – which leaves us to the final phase: Acceptance. If you are not there yet, or you are there but are still focused on the negativity, I hope to shift your awareness just a bit.

Focus – what you focus on expands. Sure, be updated with the news; however do you have to be consumed with it every hour? Even every day? Do you have to share the latest stats and update everyone you know with the newest rumor? How does knowing the most updated count benefit you? How does sharing the rumor you just heard help you or the people you are sharing this with? Remember: concern does not equal chaos.

How about instead try to focus on the opportunities that self-isolation has given us. Quality time with our families. Recognizing which of our friends we appreciate and bring value to our lives and which ones drain you. Having time to complete the home tasks that you always said you had no time for. Finding different hobbies. Reading/journaling. Bettering yourself. How would it feel to get through COVID a better person?
Life will continue to tick by. We all will get through our current circumstances eventually. This too shall pass – question is: how are you going to spend this time?

How we decide to interpret our situation is key in staying positive. How are you perceiving life at the moment? Feel/think that this sucks and life is horrible right now? Can’t go out, can’t hang out with friends, can’t do this and that. Or it is great that we have more “down” time. There are less things to do, busyness is gone. We can relax. Is your perception your power or your prison?

Controllable vs uncontrollable. What do we currently have control over? Our attitude and effort. Instead of feeding into the fear and chaos – let’s do our parts to try to stay calm, positive and hopeful. We’re in this together. Let’s not “sink the ship” with our worries and negativity. Be the one to shine some light of optimism in this storm. Control ourselves and do our parts in self-isolation. Continue to work on ourselves (body, mind, and soul). Choose not to be stuck or in limbo. It’s normal to get discouraged. You might experience a number of emotions, but I believe by changing your mindset, you will not only get through this, in one mentally healthy piece, but definitely a stronger individual. Whatever your religion/spirituality is – consider how covid has affected vibe/energy for the better since all the restrictions have been put into place. Is this God’s way of helping the world to “heal”? What is the universe trying to teach us? What are your lessons?

Stay calm. Have faith. Be hopeful. Stay positive. Love your life.

Melisa Garcia