Flexible dieting - In times of uncertainty

I’m sure you have heard of IIFYM or Flexible dieting. Flexible dieting is science based - where you determine how many calories needed to reach your goals and breaking that into macronutrient ratios. You aim to hit these specific numbers each day, and you will achieve your goals.
I recently posted a photo of instant noodles (saimin)- posing the question: “True or False: you can lose weight eating this.” I didn’t get responses I had hoped for. Initially I felt that I was being “fitness/nutrition shamed”, that other viewers would judge me, but more so I was disappointed that I was not clear on the message I was trying to send out.

My intentions were to bring awareness that you can still lose weight (which are the majority of the fitness goals established) while eating foods that are cheaper, easier to come by, and nonperishable. During this COVID 19 crisis, proper nutrition is difficult due to economic constraints and with self-isolation restrictions/precautions, food shopping isn’t very convenient. I wanted to educate about calorie consumption and that there is no reason to give up on weight loss goals due to our current situation. Even if you can only afford/purchase this $0.39 cent meal, you CAN lose weight. I want to convince people to not give up because of the uncontrollable environment surrounding us and to continue to do the things they can do while still moving closer to their goals.

Personally, I have not eaten greens in two weeks. Judge away, if you feel that you must. “Discredit” my credentials, if that is how you feel. I am not saying you should follow my lead, or that this is healthy. However, financially this pandemic has affected my family and I do not feel comfortable exposing myself weekly at the supermarket. The last time I stepped into a store was 2 + weeks ago and am currently eating whatever I have left at home. When I need to go again, I will buy some nutritious food, but for now I am living off of what I have in the cupboard, freezer, and yes this includes cup ‘o noddle.

If you are unfortunate to share this boat I am in, I hope that my authenticity can inspire you to keep going. Through this time I suggest taking flexible dieting a step back. Instead of aiming to hit your macros perfectly, go to the basics – calorie allotment. Just plan to stay on track daily to lose the weight. Even better – do a weekly allotment if that works for you. I am not promoting un-healthy eating, I’m just encouraging people to be a little more flexible, consider their individual circumstances, and not hold such “strict” self-imposed rules.

My point is that you CAN continue to push forward toward your goals. During this time of uncertainty you can still control how much you are eating and if you choose to do home work outs.

Need help finding out your calorie allotment? – message me. Need fitness encouragement during this time of chaos? – message me. Want to donate some foods/veggies to me? – message me :)

Melisa Garcia