Changing Habits - Podcast #1 transcript
Let’s say that you know what you have to do and you know why you should and shouldn’t do.
Have you ever thought about what your life will look like if you continue down the same path? I’m sure if you really sat down with this, it would be discouraging.
You know it is much needed and beneficial for you to change some of your habits on many levels but just can’t seem to find just how to start.
First take a look at one (just one) habit that you know is holding you back from reaching your goal. As an example let’s use Eating out. Not just eating out occasionally, but frequently and consuming high calorie.
Think ahead for a moment – the future you – the one that reached his/her goals – what habits do they have in regards to eating out. Maybe they prep food at home most days, and if they eat out its occasionally and they choose healthier options vs drive thru fried foods.
Now – how do we get you from point a to point b?
First let’s address any concerns or worries you have about letting go of your current habit.
You could be thinking – this is going to be hard, I like eating out, I don’t want to change.
If this is the case, I encourage you to watch thoughts and beliefs video.
Next rate how ready and able you feel you are to make this habit a reality. Quite frankly, if you are not ready and don’t really want to make a change, you won’t.
If this is the case, you must determine another habit that you would be more ready and able to implement.
It should be related to habit you would like to change/adopt but an easier step towards it.
So using the above example – you know you need to change eating out so often and the types of food you eat, but you aren’t ready to meal prep and not ready to eat healthier you still want the burger and fries. Could you do the medium sized fries versus the large? Could you go with one patty versus the double?
Look to find a stepping stool from where you are to where you want to be. After making this a solid habit you could then move one step closer to embracing the desired habit.
It’s never about perfection – just progress. Remember – you can do it. Never give up.