Level up
Ever played video games? How about Super Mario brothers? Remember the time where you stomped and kicked that damn turtle – and then it flew off screen and hit that pipe and ricocheted and killed you....that wasn’t fair and sucked - but the next time you got to that part, you remembered that scene and knew you need to jump in order to pass that level. Maybe it took a few tries to get the timing right, but eventually you passed that level – and that feeling of jumping on the flag when you got to the castle....success.
So, let’s look at your current challenges you are facing. What is your "damn turtle"? Is it M-F being on track and weekend overindulging? Is it just plain lack of motivation to just get started? Is it alcohol? Sweets? Is it negative mindset about everything? Emotional eating? All? What is keeping you from achieving your goals? What is keeping you stuck at your current level?
If you ever want to progress you need to make adjustments to level up.
Most of us just continue the same cycle. Try the same diet again on Monday, which if you stopped to really think about it – if you couldn’t stick to for the past 500 Mondays – what’s different this time? Why not change the diet, change your mindset, change something besides the date of the Monday you are starting again. Or maybe you say you’ll do the same youtube program – but you don’t really enjoy and you don’t stick with it. Why not change the environment – find a local class, find a different program you enjoy – do something different instead of kicking the turtle knowing it’s going to come back and hit you hit not jumping but hoping something different will happen.
Take something you know that you’ve been struggling with – and think about the unsuccessful attempts, remember this is never a reflection of you being a failure, or you not being able to do it. The diet failed you, the exercise program failed you. If you’ve tried many diets and programs and nothing works for you I’m certain your mindset needs to go on a diet and training program. But that’s for another day….
So take the experiences from the past and figure out what you need to do to level up. What keeps on stopping you from reaching the castle? Determine what you will need to do differently. And if that does not work try again – use flower power (im referencing Mario if you don’t know that game)
I encourage you to do something this week to help you level up, you still got more lives left it’s not too late.