Negative self talk and body shaming. (Podcast #9 Transcribed)
“When you complain you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it, all else is madness.”- Ekhart Tolle
I know this quote is not totally relevant to todays podcast but just wanted to share as a side note. So often we complain about things we don’t like but not make any changes. So if you are stuck in not liking your body yet not willing to do what needs to be done, then maybe you should instead focus on trying to accept your body in its current state.
We are all guilty of negative self talk. We don’t need to go into the would you speak to a friend or a child that way I’m sure you’ve heard it just like I have. But let me tell you this…
Where focus goes - energy flows
Let me repeat
Where focus goes - energy flows
You get what you focus on whether you want it or not
If u are constantly focused on everything u don’t like about your body you will continue to find things you dont like about your body. If u think being fit is hard to achieve- it will continue to be hard
Let’s take a look at something…. Im guessing you are constantly stuck in thinking negatively and body shaming. How has that been working for you so far? Besides just making you feel crappy – has it helped you with making progress or adopting better habits?
Taking action from a place where I will never lose this weight I’m fat dieting is hard versus I am confident I can do it I am making changes? what type of results would each of these generate?
Ok you’re sold you believe me. so how do u change that? I’d say the first thing would be awareness. Start to notice when negativity pops up. When you do catch yourself focused on that – change the channel – don’t pay it any attention. What would be even more helpful would be to find evidence proving those thoughts wrong.
Lets use some of the examples I mentioned
I will never lose this weight- have you done it the in past? Ok so you did gain it back but you were able to you can remove “never” from your thought process. Could you think I will lose weight no matter what? Maybe I want to lose weight. Some of it is just a play with words but you are removing the negative emotons attached to those thoughts.
I’m fat – How’s about – I don’t like parts of my body. I’m sure you are not dissatisfied with ALLLL of yourself. If you are on a program you could say to yourself although I’m not where I am now I will get there. Instead of focusing on the areas you don’t like about your body try to find areas that are improving.
Dieting is hard – could you think I will find a diet that works better for me and does’t restrict and deprive myself – like the program that do u fitness offers. You. Like that plug? How about focusing on trying to find a diet that is more realistc and sustainable. Also thinking something is hard will prevent you from wanting to even begin.
I encourage you to just try for today to be conscious of negative self talk and body shaming for just One hour and redirect or change the channel. In the end
always DoU