Unlearn (Podcast #10 transcribed)

I want to encourage you to question everything you’ve read or heard about dieting. I’m not saying it’s all wrong – maybe just ask yourself if the information you learned has helped you lose weight and keep it off.


I’m guessing your answer was like mine – nope – all the should and shouldn’t and eat this and not that and you can’t and that’s junk and you need to restrict everything yummy 

these are the rules and if you break them you’ll get fat and you might as well eat everything and give up because it’s just too hard. 


So just for a bit – can you unlearn all you know and think you know? 

With my coaching clients I lead them through a flexible tiered approach -  I am not saying this is a healthy/nutrition plan.  This plan is a flexible gradual adopting approach to weight loss.  With my tiered approach we eventually get to healthy, whole foods, plant based, etc – but it is staged so that my clients gradually make lifestyle choices a habit instead forcing a plan that they give up like the rest of them.  Also, majority of my clients reach their goal weight before hitting tier 3.  For me personally I’m actually doing a hybrid of getting in some whole foods but also reverse dieting – where I’m increasing my calories to boost my metabolism – or being able to eat more cookies – ehhhh tomato tomahto.  My point is my approach gets results without having the typical rules.  

ok there are some rules as calories are calories and your allotment based on your statistics are all scientific but other than that…..it’s probably a different approach then you’ve experienced. 

But first….


·      You must unlearn everything you think you know about what you need to do in order to lose weight.  

·      You need to erase terms such as “healthy” or “junk”. 

·      Remove I can and can’t eat this/that from your vocabulary.  Throw away the list you have in your brain on what is off limits.  


Now that the slate is clean…..

Calories in vs. calories out are ALL that matters for FAT loss


So in order to lose fat you must consume less and/or burn more than your body needs. For the sake of this blog – we will just talk about eating


Once you have determined your calorie allotment – please message me if you need help with this.  You will have to track your food calories.  You can do this by writing or easiest with a food tracking app.  Now you track……the goal is to eat within your calorie allotment (please beware I’ve noticed that the allotment that some of the apps provide when you are entering your information and goals is unrealistic and will hurt your efforts in the long run – so again please message me, I am more than happy to figure that out for you) 


What you choose to eat is totally up to you – but this is where I want you to remember – there is nothing good or bad.  Nothing off limits.  No rules, besides tracking w/in your allotment.  I wouldn’t say the catch but 1- eating a small French fries at 230 calories vs a veggie delight sandwich from subway at also 230 calories will leave you being full longer.  Also 10 almonds vs 2 cups of popcorn will have a different level of fullness and 2 – when you start tracking you’ll realize that the portions you are eating are a lot more than what you think they are (thus the weight gain in the first place) 


So basically, After a while you learn what works best for you, what foods you want to swap, what foods you want to keep in your day so you choose other meals in order to make it works…..annnnndddd lose weight while being able to eat what you want. 


So I encourage you to try to unlearn what you know about dieting and try this -  Check out Finallyfit module 2 for more details information – it’s free. 

Until next time….remember DoU

Melisa Garcia