Labeling (Podcast #11 Transcribed)
Calling yourself Fat. Claiming you can’t stop eating junk food. Stating you can’t stick to a diet. How labeling is keeping your stuck and removing yourself imposed labels can help you get on your path to success.
Here's a quote When you change the things, you look at, the things you look at change
How long have you been calling yourself fat? Labeling yourself as a failure? Claiming you are an emotional eater or “I eat junk food at night’? Stating you can’t do it.
If you're anything like I was this was a normal thought process. if you're anything like I was you were also stuck at never reaching your goals.
Obviously, these labels didn't help change our current situation. And continuing to repeat these, further engrains into our subconscious and strengthens that belief.
Continuing to label yourself as I’m fat, I’m an emotional eater, I eat junks at night, or I don’t have time – keeps you stuck being that person. And who is keeping you stuck there? Well….duh You are….these negative labels are all self-imposed. Do you really want to be that person? Obviously not - So if that is the case why don't we change your perception? That’s where your personal power is. Either be controlled or be in control.
Do you want to be an emotional eater? No - Then stop calling yourself that. Stop giving that identity power. Maybe you indulge once in a while but don’t allow that label as an excuse to continue that behavior.
Do you want to be fat? Then stop calling yourself that. Stop allowing yourself to be stuck there.
Let’s say – You are a farmer and you are planting seeds….you plant some corn (intentions to reach your goal) and some poison (which is your labeling and negativity)….
your brain doesn’t care what seed you plant- it will grow whatever you planted.
So if you are planting self doubt and negativity and constantly watering and fertilizing those seeds you will continue to harvest self doubt and negativity.
The corn that you planted and watered only on day one of your journey is slowly wilting and dying. It’s getting a little bit of sun from the program you and following but the water and fertilizer it is craving is being used on the poison instead.
Ultimately, the poison you planted will grow and overpower the corn crops and lead to – you guessed it. Failing at your diet/exercise program. Whether this is a quick or slow death depends on your thoughts you keep repeating to yourself.
be mindful of your thoughts as they will become your reality.
Do you see how your mindset needs to go on a diet and training program? How these little thigns are keeping you stuck at not fully reaching your goals? Join Level up one on one coaching and let’s smash all these blocks and get you to your goal.
Until next time – quit labeling yourself and as always DoU