Fitter Habits
I’m sure that you’ve scroll through social media and came across physiques that you admire. Maybe you follow them regularly for inspiration and motivation. Or maybe you don’t but do wish your body could look like that. I’m not going to talk about airbrushing, or temporary look just for pictures, or not to compare yourself and acknowledge your individual progress and accepting your unique body type because I know you already know all of this.
Instead let’s brainstorm on what are their current habits that helped them achieve that look…..
Do they lift weights? How often?
Do they do cardio? What do they do and how often?
How do they monitor their eating?
Are they on a “diet” forever to maintain that physique?
Are there certain foods they do not eat?
Do they drink Alcohol? Sugary coffee drinks? Soft drinks?
What is their occupation?
How many hours do you think they sleep on average to help them recover?
Do they have children?
Do they cook at home? Eat out? Meal prep? How often?
I’m sure maybe my answers and your answers may differ but what I’m hoping to accomplish with these questions – is for you to see
1) are you willing and able to do those things to achieve that body and
2) compare your lifestyle with these habits.
Looking at the answers to the above – where are you in terms to the same questions?
Do you lift weights? How often? And how often did you say that person does this?
How does this person monitor their food intake? How do you monitor?
Most likely there is a gap from their habits and your own – so now you just need to bridge that gap so your habits are aligned to these which would lead you toward achieving this body?
You think they work out 5 days a week doing a mix of weight training and cardio but you only do 3, if nothing comes up – well how do you make it a “must” that you get in 5 days no matter what?
You think they watch what they eat but aren’t on a specific diet and you eat whatever and whenever you want? So how do you be more mindful? Do you start a food journal so you are able to see what exactly you are eating? Do you make it a goal to stop eating as much fast food?
Changing your current habits will change your current physique – so let’s just try working on just one area this month. Try working on strategies to align where you are currently to where you believe you need to be in order to achieve that look you so badly want.
Once this becomes engrained – work on another habit. Before you know it you will be a different person from your lifestyle, to your confidence, to the way you look.