Egotistical.....nevermind....Gym Etiquette by ME

I wrote a blog about egotistical people and how they irritate me and I was trying to spin it positively and say how I’m learning to deal with these people – but after writing and reading over it; it didn’t make me feel so good or positive – so I won’t be sharing….instead…..GYM ETIQUETTE – this is meant to be a joke so don’t take too personal– but the main concepts are accurate.


1.      Check your ego at the door….ha look I still get to add it.  Be confident while staying humble. No one is better than anyone else.  Amen.

2.      If you are sick stay home…..if I am sick I probably won’t so make sure you wash your hands.

3.      Come to train not to talk story, text or video…moderation people….if you are doing these more than you are lifting you need different goals.

4.      Don’t stay on the stairmaster forever…when I need to hog it, I’ll be on there for 45 minutes so get off.

5.      Wipe up after yourself…I don’t want to lie in your sweat.

6.      Don’t be a perve….at least be discrete if you’re going to stare.  Disgusting.

7.      Dress appropriately…you are making it worse for those that don’t want to be ogled after.  If your cheeks are hanging out, side boob showing, flaunting your belly down to your hip bones you should be at the beach not bending over at the gym.  Thank you.

8.      Smell good….de-o-do-rant you hippie.

9.      Keep unsolicited advice to yourself…thank you but no thank you, if I want your opinion or thoughts I’ll ask….

10.   Water refill limit….if you’re going to fill up your 64oz hydroflask, have some courtesy.

11.   Don’t squeeze in front of someone who is lifting heavy or try to talk to someone when they are lifting….do I really have to explain? 

12.   Discreet grunting please…and if you have to moan can you not make it sound so sexual? 

13.   Using the Smith machine, a bench, decline bench, 3 sets of dumbbells for an hour – claiming this is “your spot” is definitely a no-no. #whodoesthat but seriously she said we could share when she’s not using it. Bwahahahahah!!! I was going to be a mean girl but listened to #1 and made sure I didn’t portray any type of ego….I smiled and let her be.


WorkoutMelisa GarciaComment