Resolutions...Goals...Leveling Up

This year when asking several people if they’ve made New Year’s resolutions, 90% of the response I received was “I don’t believe in them, they never work.”  To hear this response made me confused and sad.  Do so many people not believe that they can achieve what they set out to accomplish?  Are so many content with their life that they don’t want to move anymore forward?   Do so many think their life is perfect that there isn’t anything they would like to improve upon?


I haven’t made a resolution in a few years just because I always have some type of goal throughout the year that I’m focusing on – but decided that I would make new year’s resolutions this year just to prove that it can be done if you work towards it……My resolutions….#1 – Pay off 1/3 of our debt by August  #2 – Make extra money per month in order to go to nationals this year  (for those of you coming to my PM classes – thank you for your support – this is what I’m saving for)  #3 – of course continue working on my physique – bringing a smaller waist, and more developed shoulders and glutes to stage this year. #4 Spring cleaning – like the kind of cleaning you do when you are moving out of a place…..dusting all the nooks and crannies, getting rid of stuff, organizing, etc. by April. #4 – get rid of ¾ of DoU merchandise so I can buy new items.


After starting on these resolutions and seeing myself getting closer and realizing that it is actually attainable, I decided to make more specific/detailed goals….this time on other areas of my life….I reviewed the areas – Financial/Career, Friends/Family, Health, Core Relationships, Personal Growth/Soul/Spirituality, and Fun/Recreation.  I made quarterly goals for the areas I felt I was lacking and listed specific actions I believe is needed to attain these goals….you may think – that’s wayyyy too much work…..Or I’m fine with my life, I don’t need goals….or blah blah, blah  I’m done reading now.  HA! 


Does it take time….yes…but doesn’t scrolling on social media take time?  Would you rather improve your life or stalk other people’s life? 


What are you focused on every day?  Just waking up, going to work, doing the normal day to day, going to bed to awake to the same routine?  Or would you rather create the life that you want? Become a better version of you? 


I think Personal Development should be on everyone’s top area to work on….from being more positive, staying in your lane (aka minding your own business), questioning limiting beliefs, being more present, stop worrying, don’t let the uncontrollable affect you, don’t let people with dirty feet walk in your head, the list is endless…..Pick an area – make a goal – Level up!


In starting this journey, I am learning to not let other’s behaviors/actions affect me (learning….still learning), speaking my truth, I feel motivated and driven every morning because I am working on improving my quality of life, I feel happy, centered, accomplished and enjoy my life.  Is it perfect?  Absolutely not… I stumble or fall?  Often…. Do I struggle?  Frequently. Am I negative?  Sometimes….But every day is another day to try again and strive for those goals.  How will this year end? Who knows, but I do know for certain – whether if it’s only one step, I will move forward.   I won’t be just existing anymore – rather living my best life.  Wouldn’t you want to say the same?