High Vibe Colab...

What’s this all about?


If you’ve been following me for a while, or even just reading some of my blogs, you know that I’m all about testing things on myself before sharing with others. About 6 months ago I started journaling to help with my mental disorder….lol….okay, not really a disorder but I felt like I was literally going crazy.  Honestly, I felt like I was losing my mind and I was about to have a mental breakdown at any moment.  I felt stressed out at work, I felt like I was reliving the same day over and over (work to pay bills, repeat), I felt unmotivated, I struggled big time with emotional eating, I was unhappy, some people that I thought were friends weren’t really friends, and other personal issues.  I was basically lost…..what started out as journaling my thoughts and a form of meditation, turned into affirmations, into quotes, into introducing new habits, into goals, into manifesting…..into basically what I now offer as “Level up” – Personal Development Coaching and a movement I would like to start called “High Vibe Colab”.  I am by no means “perfect”, nor do I have my life totally put together, or that nothing bad happens to me now.  But I can say that I’m on a good path, that I feel happy, I feel driven, I’m learning to be more calm, learning to deal with events that are out of my control, the list goes on….and I want to help those that are interested in making themselves and their lives better.


High Vibe Colab:


Mission: Continue to DoU, level up, inspire others, be so busy working on your life and empowering others there is no room for drama, insecurities, hate or judgements.  Grow a large community that support this mission, overall influencing others to do the same.


Goal: Gather a group of individuals who want to be positive and upgrade their live.  Meet periodically to support and lift each other up in reaching their distinct, individual goals.  Participants leave feeling uplifted, confident, focused, and craving more of this high vibe.  Members feed off of each other’s positivity. (it’s hard to describe and I don’t want to sound too “whooooossaaaaa” but -- you can feel it.)


Plan:  I would like to hold an event…TBD…I am putting together some material that I feel would help anyone who would want to start this “feel good type” of life. :)  (it’s not all fun and games – you do have to put in an effort to work toward your goals – if this seems like “work” to you then this isn’t for you. As much as this is my passion, I can’t help you if you don’t want to help yourself)  Pupus, water, an area for kids to be brought, and then just us - leveling up……I’ll post the event to the High Vibe Colab Facebook Member Group.  If you have not already requested to join, do so now.  There are 3 questions you must answer before allowing access – this isn’t an application, or a test….it’s merely for you and I to make sure the reasons you want to join this group.  This is not a social group where we drink alcohol and talk crap….this is not a group where we go eat at restaurants and have “girls night”…..This group was formed if you want to become a better version of you…we are not all perfect and will always battle our flaws – but we all want to vibe higher and encourage everyone to do the same. 


This is not a money making scheme – seriously – just want to surround myself with more like minded individuals – whether you are above me, beneath me - we will all be besides one another.


I do offer - Level up: Personal Development coaching if you want to partner up to help with the above.  What I am sharing at these High Vibe Colab events is what I do with my one on one clients – except way more in depth and our meetings and interactions are more frequent. 


So….if anything I hope I sparked an interest in you Leveling up your life….whether you come to the event, just sign up for the group, inquire on my Level up program, or you just leave this blog feeling a bit more inspired.