Different Methods of Training....Part 2
Did you try out the previous techniques in Part 1? How did you like it? A bit harder when you change it up, isn’t it. Here are a few more techniques for your to try at your next lifting session……………..
1 – Negative Overloads – will need a partner for this exercise. Let’s say you can do a Lat pull down at 120#, you will place the pin at 140# - your partner will assist you in lowering and then you will slowly release the weight back to starting point. Studies show that doing negative overloads will increase insulin-like growth factor, provides more protein synthesis, and produces greater motor unit recruitment.
2- Rest-Pause Method – basically you are breaking down one set into several small sets, with a brief rest between sets. (This method is usually used for strength vs putting on size) You would take 85-95% of your 1RM and resting 15-30 seconds using the same weight until failure. Usually 6-8 reps can be done.
Let’s say you can perform one lat pull at 100# - you could take 90% of that weight = 90#. Perform as many reps as you can, rest 15 seconds, perform as many as you can again, rest 15 seconds, etc.
Set 1: 90# x 8 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Set 2: 90# x 3 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Set 3: 90# x 2 reps
Repeat this process once or twice (it is very rough to do more than that)
3- Post/Pre exhaustion Training –
Post exhaustion training is a single joint movement to failure before performing multi-joint movement. For example – Leg extension before Squat or Cable Flys before Bench Press. There are contrary beliefs to this method. This technique was popularized by the movie Pumping Iron – but studies since then show that once the primary muscle is fatigued, secondary muscles till take over.
Pre exhaustion training is where you would perform the multi joint exercise followed by the single joint movement. The benefit is that you will have the most strength for the first movement and then pump the muscle with the isolation exercise following. For example – Overhead shoulder press followed by Dumbbell lateral raise.
Try one of these methods and let me know how it goes.
Stay tuned for Part 3….