Begginer's Home Workout Program...
So you want to get in shape, but you have young children at home, maybe the gym is very far away and you don’t have the time to commute and still meet all your obligations, maybe you are not comfortable yet going to the gym, whatever your reason you can still get a work out in at home. You will need a set of dumbbells for the following programs.
I’ve included three different beginner home workout programs below. Choose to follow one out of the three depending if… want to start off slow with 3 days per week (A), want to lose a little more and tone up quicker with 4 days per week (B), or you want to give it all you got (C).
Note: If you are unable to perform the movement you can always scale to what you can do. Not sure how – comment below or contact me.
(A) – 3 days a week
Start off each workout with 5-10 minutes warm up – walk around the block, jump rope, jumping jacks, squats, anything to warm up your muscles.
3-4 sets of each exercise; 10-12 reps
Day 1 - Back, Chest
Bent over row
Reverse Grip bent over row
Dumbbell floor chest fly
In between each exercise do 10 walking lunges
Day 2 – Legs
Body weight squat
Glute bridge
Curtsy lunge
Standing Calf Raise
In between each exercise jump rope (or jumping jacks) for 30 seconds.
Day 3 - Arms and Abs
Dumbbell Bicep Curls
Tricep Kickback
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Reverse Crunch
In between each exercise 20 bicycle crunch
(B) – 4 days a week
Start off each workout with 5-10 minutes warm up – walk around the block, jump rope, jumping jacks, squats, anything to warm up your muscles.
1xs per week after program – do a 20 min conditioning circuit located on the website as well….if you need help with scaling or movements contact me.
3-4 sets of each exercise; 10-12 reps
Day 1 and Day 4 - Upper
Bent over row
Reverse Grip bent over row
Dumbbell floor chest fly
Dumbbell Bicep Curls
Tricep Kickback
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Day 2 and Day 5 - Lower
Body weight squat
Glute bridge
Curtsy lunge
Standing Calf Raise
Reverse Crunch
Bicycle crunch
(C)- 5 days a week
Start off each workout with 5-10 minutes warm up – walk around the block, jump rope, jumping jacks, squats, anything to warm up your muscles.
Day 2 and 4 – do a 20 min conditioning circuit located on the website as well….if you need help with scaling or movements contact me.
3-4 sets of each exercise; 10-12 reps
Day 1 - Back, Chest
Bent over row
Reverse Grip bent over row
Dumbbell floor chest fly
In between each exercise do 10 walking lunges
Day 3 – Legs
Body weight squat
Glute bridge
Curtsy lunge
Standing Calf Raise
In between each exercise jump rope (or jumping jacks) for 30 seconds.
Day 5 - Arms and Abs
Dumbbell Bicep Curls
Tricep Kickback
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Reverse Crunch
In between each exercise 20 bicycle crunch