Motivation Part 3....

Motivation Part 3
Still can’t figure out how to keep your head in the game?  Hope these few tips can help you out……
1. Self-assess your triggers - Is there a certain food that you enjoy that sets off a binge? Do you not plan ahead and then don’t have time to work out? Do you have a hard time managing stress and not sticking to your diet?   Do you negative self-talk and give up before giving yourself a chance to succeed?
Dive into what have been your set backs up until this point.  Once you identified them you can then work on finding solutions.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result – let’s try to change your habits and create new habits that align more with what your goals are.  Need help with tips – comment below or contact me with what your triggers are and I would love to offer some ideas.
 2. Be proud of accomplishments – big and small.  It seems like we are so accustomed to recognizing our faults and not spotting the positive actions in our life.  
You lost 1# - congratulate yourself!  You could have maintained or gained but didn’t. 
You ate a handful of chips – good job that you stopped, since you usually eat the whole bag. 
You only stuck to 3 days of your diet this week – amazing!  That is more than you did last week.  You only do 3 pushups – incredible.  When you first started you could only do 5 on your knees.
Praise yourself for all the steps forward you are taking.
3. Feeling guilty/being negative.  This goes hand in hand with the point above.  Let’s look at all the same scenarios above:
You lost 1# - you feel defeated that you didn’t lose more and give up.
You ate a handful of chips – you feel weak and disappointed in yourself and decide since you already “cheated” you should finish the bag.
You only stuck to 3 days of your diet this week – you feel overwhelmed; it’s too difficult and you say to yourself that you will never be able to do it.
You only do 3 pushups – you feel pathetic and believe that you are not capable of getting fit.
Can you see how changing your mindset can help or hinder your progress? 
Can I help you?  Possibly –not only do I provide nutritional and fitness programs based on your life and monitor your progress weekly, but I also check in on your mind set.   Check in to see how things are going, physically, mentally, challenges, setbacks…..etc.  Then we problem solve together and discuss what possible implementations can be made to address any concerns.  You do have to meet me half way – I can’t do the work for you; but I can definitely be supportive, encouraging, answer any questions, and provide you with as much information and assistance that you are willing to accept. 
If all of these past few motivation blogs have not worked, stay tuned for the next blog “determining if you are ready to adopt a behavior change”….

MotivationMelisa Garcia