My Experience as a Bikini Competitor Part 4 - 2 weeks out...
My Experience as a Bikini Competitor Part IV - 2 weeks out:
Same as 6 weeks out -
Cut salt
Even for Tilapia for Breakfast – I’m guess my calories were in the 1200 range.
Same as 4 weeks out
I track my macronutrients –
I aim to hit 170g of protein; 115g of carbs; and 37 of fat = 1450 calories and do carb rotation
Normally I tend to eat the same foods – however I have the freedom to change it up if I need.
These are my usual sources:
Protein Carbs Fat
Egg whites Protein pancake mix Cashews
Protein drink Jasmine Rice
Tilapia Rice Cakes
Chicken Broccoli
Water cress
Weightlifting was 3 day rotating split / 6 days –
Chest, Tris, Shoulders, Back/Biceps, and Legs. Abs 3xs per week
Continuing Cardio 10.5 hours of cardio a week
Weightlifting: 6 days
Glute focused, Back/Bi, Hit lagging body parts – light weight, Plyos, Ham focused, and Chest/Tri/Shoulders
Decrease Cardio: by 1.5 hours cardio per week
Absolutely miserable!!! Tired- over trained – hungry – weak – moody – irritable – depressed-continue w/leg/foot cramps nightly.
I’m hungry some days – I guess my metabolism must be higher since I am eating the same amount of food. Other than that I’m good to go!!!!
I emailed about my close to breakdown hoping to get some support. Instead I felt “scolded” and basically was told that this sport was not for everyone. I cried – lol. Don’t want to admit crying but I had my breakdown and then I pulled myself back up and said FCK it – I’m not quitting. Towards the end of the week I was allowed a cheat dessert. I expressed that I was worried as it has been so long and I might go overboard so I’d rather not – I got a reply that I was just complaining on how I was feeling and now I’m getting a treat and I don’t want it. Supported?? I did have a parfait cup – it was delicious. J And I did have a binging problem for months after the show (more in my post comp blog –my reverse dieting experience)
Tryson is the bomb!!!!! There is no way I can thank him enough or express how much he has been there for me. I believe because he is working with me – he answers all my questions – cares about how I’m doing/feeling - this has been a totally different experience for me. I’m still walking around smiling vs last year hanging my head low walking from machine to machine. Don’t get me wrong it’s rough, cardio sucks, dieting is no fun – but this experience has been a much better journey for me.
Stay tuned for Part V – Peak Week