My Experience as a Bikini Competitor - Part 5 - Peak Week....
My Experience as a Bikini Competitor Part V – Peak Week:
Same as 6 weeks out -
Cut salt
Even for Tilapia for Breakfast – I’m guess my calories were in the 1200 range.
I almost forgot…..the worse part was the water cutting….a few days water loading and then quickly cutting, where 3 days before show I could drink 16oz the entire day, 2 days before 8 oz the entire day, day before 6 oz before 3pm……
A few days normal, no carb, some carbs, refeed
Protein Carbs Fat
Egg whites Protein pancake mix Cashews
Chicken Jasmine Rice
Tilapia Rice Cakes
Salmon Broccoli
Water cut is not that drastic – salt cut for a few days vs last time of 6 weeks.
Super sets and high reps - train until day before show
Continuing Cardio 10.5 hours of cardio a week - a few days into the week I met up with her and she said stop all cardio I was way too lean. I was relieved but also questioned now if everyone was right about me not doing so much so far out.
Cardio the first few days of the week then cut everything a few days before the show. Cardio sessions cut shorter and change depending on how I look
Supersets and high reps
At this point I was just over it…..I just wanted it to be over. I was no longer nervous, excited – I just wanted it to be done!!!
I’m so excited!!! I’m a little sad thinking that it’ll soon be all over. I have truly enjoyed this journey and feel guilty at times that I am so happy and still smiling. Again – don’t get me wrong, I am tired and hungry and have cravings but overall my mental health is solid!!
I was given instructions for dieting of peak week verbally and wrote it down as we were talking. When I got home I typed out and emailed to confirm – I was told that wasn’t right and it changed again…..argh!!!!
Tryson typed out my peak week to the T – from diet, exercise, water/salt load/deload, supplements, don’t forget list, etc. He also helped me with the ladies’ peak week as well because honestly, I know nothing about peak week. Even after this show I would know what I did but I don’t feel confident monitoring peak week for someone else’s body……I know Tryson will decide that he wants to start prep coaching so contact me for more information. Right Tryson? Changed your mind? Partners?
Stay tuned for Part VI – Show time